Year 5 Summer term


This term we will learn to:

  • multiply two proper fractions using concrete representations;
  • use the cancellation (simplification) method to compute the product of two proper fractions
  • explore and compare the product of two whole numbers and the product of two proper fractions;
  • solve up to 2-step word problems involving fractions using:
    • model drawing and the unitary method
    • the product of two fractions
  • use regrouping process to compute the product of a mixed number and a whole number;
  • understand the meaning of dividing a fraction by a whole number;
  • use three different methods to divide a fraction by a whole number;
  • calculate the area of shapes, including triangles;
  • use the formula to find the area of a triangle;
  • understand the concept of ratio as a way to show the relative sizes of two quantities;
  • understand that a given ratio does not indicate the actual sizes of the quantities involved;
  • draw a comparison model to represent two quantities given the ratio; and
  • solve simple word problems involving ratio using model drawing.


  • Reading a range of fiction and non-fiction texts, including classic novels, science fiction, persuasive writing, non-chronological reports, poetry which tells a story and poetry with vivid imagary.
  • Fiction will include stories linked to our History topic and we will be using these to investigate settings, character development, dialogue & narrative style, explore the structure of short stories and the use of modal verbs & dialogue.
  • Writing will include dramatisation, playing with point-of-view, writing a myth style story, writing a drama based on one they have heard and a new story in a given style.
  • Our grammar focus will include:

1.Writing complex and compound sentences

2.Use elaborated language of description, including expanded noun phrases, adjectives, adverbials and, particularly, relative clauses.

3.Use accurate sentence and speech punctuation.

4.Use dialogue, recognise differences between spoken and written speech.

5.Use speech punctuation to indicate direct speech.

6.Understand and use modal verbs.

7.Use apostrophes correctly.

8.Begin to understand the use of active and passive verbs, especially the use of the passive form in reports.


Our first to topic is ‘Living things and their habitat’, as part of this we will be learning about the life cycles of mammals, amphibians, insects and birds, including some unusual examples like egg-laying mammals and marsupials.  We will compare complete and incomplete metamorphosis and attempt to propagate plants from different parts of the parent plant.

After this we will be looking at ‘Animals including Humans’ where we will discuss why living things need to reproduce & look in detail at human life cycle, comparing with other animals. Study physical & emotional changes at puberty. Research rites of passage throughout human life cycle.

Other subjects

In addition to this, in History we will finish learning more about the Vikings before moving on to look at the Ancient Greeks; how they lived and the legacy they left behind.   

In Geography we will be completing our topic of 'Mountains'.