Spring Term Curriculum



  • Continue with daily Read, Write, Inc lessons to develop phonics, reading and writing skills. Recap Phase 1 sounds and move on to learn Phase 2 sounds.  Spell words using ‘Fred Fingers’.  Begin to read short sentences using ‘Fred Talk’ and ‘Fred in your head’ method.  Begin to write simple sentences using finger spaces and full stops.
  • Continue to practise letter formation through guided handwriting sessions.
  • Talk for Writing focused texts will be ‘The Gruffalo’ and ‘Whatever Next?’


  • Recognising teen numbers between 10 – 20 and ordering them forwards and backwards.
  • Finding a number that is one more and one less than a number between 1 and 20.
  • Learning the basic processes of addition and subtraction and understanding how many altogether and how many left. Begin to record the number sentences.
  • Recognising 2D and 3D shapes and begin to name them and describe their properties.
  • Using positional language.
  • Number formation practise.


Understanding the World:

  • Our theme in Science sessions will be animals and their habitats and then changes in materials. We will carry out investigations and explore habitats at Forest School and Beach School after half term.
  • Learning about traditions involved in Chinese New Year.
  • Observing changes in seasons and weather.
  • Weekly Collective Worship sessions focusing on current affairs, health and wellbeing.


Art and DT:

  • Colour mixing,
  • Exploring a variety of media e.g. acrylic paint, watercolour paint and pastels,
  • Observational drawings of animals,
  • Junk modelling,
  • Sewing,
  • Baking fairy cakes,
  • Making bird feeders.



  • Following the Charanga scheme to learn traditional Nursery Rhymes and then new songs. Learning to feel the beat and clap/tap a rhythm.  Using simple musical instruments to accompany a song in time to the beat.


  • Directing a programmable toy (Beebot) using directions.
  • Developing mouse control using a variety of online mouse control activities and paint programmes.


Physical Development:

  • Continue to develop fine motor control needed for writing through daily ‘Dough Disco’ and ‘Funky Fingers’ activities.
  • Develop gross motor skills at Forest School and large apparatus sessions.
  • Multi skills PE lessons – throwing and catching, aiming, rolling and stopping etc.


Our theme before half term will be ‘Winter’ and ‘In the Woods’ focusing on ‘The Gruffalo’ and ‘The Gruffalo’s Child.’

Our theme after half term will be ‘Space’.