Spring Homework

Core skills practice:  Want to be sure you are totally SATs ready? Visit these links and work through the activities.

Maths: https://uk.ixl.com/math/year-6


English: https://uk.ixl.com/ela/year-6 (sorry didn't realise you had to pay for these after so many questions!)

Parent SATs advice: http://www.theschoolrun.com/sats/sats-year-6

Interactive games to practice core skills.


https://claritymaths.uk/games/  these are good fun!

Key skills: it says KS3 but these now apply to Year 6 in the new curriculum




Literacy supporthttp://www.topmarks.co.uk/english-games/7-11-years/punctuation

This is the Spring Term Weekly Homework page. Below you will find links to activities that cover things we have studied in class in that particular week. By completing the homework you will refresh your memory, consolidate learning and show you have understood new concepts.