This term in Maths we will be following the Effective Maths program and will learn the following:

  • Counting to 20 and ordering numbers from 0-20
  • One more or less for numbers from 0-20
  • Number bonds for 3 and 4
  • Subtracting from 3 and 4
  • Reading and writing numbers
  • Counting forwards and backwards in twos
  • Identifying and representing numbers
  • Comparing and ordering numbers
  • Number bonds for numbers 5 to 10
  • Solving problems involving number bonds from 5 to 10
  • Expressing the same addition sentence in different ways
  • Subtracting from numbers 5 to 10
  • Solving problems with numbers to 10
  • Identifying 3-D and shapes
  • Creating 2-D shapes (cutting out and drawing)
  • Shapes around us and patterns with 2-D shapes
  • Patterns with 2-D and 3- D shapes
  • Compose 2-D and 3-D shapes from smaller shapes
  • Positions (Eg: front, behind, top, bottom, above, below etc)
  • Movements (Eg: forward, backward, up, down, inside, outside)
  • Turns (Eg: whole turn, half turn)
  • Recognising coins
  • The value of coins to 10p, and then £2
  • Solving addition and subtraction problems with money, addition

In English this term we will be working on developing the children’s phonics knowledge, and the children will continue to work in their Read Write Inc groups, so they can get more intensive help at an appropriate rate, for more information please see  In addition to this, we will be working on Talk4Writing units based on “Peace at Last” and “Lost and Found”.  We will also be applying the skills they have learnt across the curriculum to develop their writing in Science, History, Geography, RE etc. 


Our other science topics this term are ‘Everyday materials’ where we will be learning to:

  • identify and name everyday materials;
  • describe simple properties of everyday materials;
  • observe closely; and
  • sort objects in two ways.

After half term we will look at seasonal changes associated with Autumn and Winter, as part of this we will be learning to:

  • name the four seasons;
  • name different types of weather;
  • make observations about the weather;
  • describe the weather associated with each season;
  • collect and record simple data; and
  • make simple observations about changes across the seasons.

Our other topics are:

  • Geography - ‘What is the geography of where I live?’
  • History – ‘What does it take to be a great explorer?’
  • Music – ‘Hey You!’ and ‘Rhythm in the way we walk and the Banana Rap’
  • RE – ‘What does it mean to belong to Christianity?’ and ‘Giving and receiving’
  • Art – ‘Warm and cold colours’
  • DT – ‘Christmas decorations’


Homework will be reading at least three times a week and extra activities will be given out on a Monday for that week and can be found on the school web-site ‘’.  It will cover work completed in the previous week or planned for that week.  Most homework activities will be set online, on EducationCity, NumBots, Spelling Shed or MyMaths.  Your child will bring home details of how they can login, but if you have any issues, please do not hesitate to contact me.  Alternatively, some weeks, your child will be set a practical activity or game using everyday items.

PE will be on a Tuesday with a session in the morning with Miss McCarron and a session in the afternoon with myself.  Please can children come into school in their PE kit, with long hair tied up.

If you have any questions at all, please contact me at school or e-mail me: